Thursday 5 February 2015

Introduction to fat person hell!

I'd had it in my head for a while that I not only wanted to lose weight but needed to.  I've been overweight for the majority of my life.  Not by over eating as most people presume.  During the pregnancy of my first child (who is now 24!) I gained an enormous amount of weight due to pre-eclampsia/Toxemia.  I went from a very happy 147 lbs to 322 lbs in the last three months of my pregnancy!  I had also moved to another country, from England to Utah, USA so I appreciate the environment may have also played a part in my weight gain, different altitude, different humidity, different food.  Who knows.  After trying various diets I did finally get down to 182 lbs.  The most successful in that time was equally the Atkins Diet and the Cambridge Diet.  Two very different diet plans.  One you eat and eat but minimal carbs but end up with stinky breath ;)  and the other no food... at all.. just shakes, soups and bars.  Very boring and takes a lot of willpower.  BUT...successful!

My health hasn't been great over the last few years and I've had increased levels of inactivity due to joint/disc problems.  Towards the end of 2014 I successfully managed to give up smoking, but suffered the consequence that a lot of smokers face when they quit.... those extra pounds.  At the start of this year I knew this was the year I had to get the weight off.  If I could quit smoking, I could achieve anything.  It's all in the power of a positive mind!  I allowed myself 2 weeks to eat all the excess Christmas junk and choccies then 14th January was the last day.  I chose this day because it was 2 weeks into the year with 50 weeks remaining.  50 weeks to lose 1b a week.  That's not an impossible target!

January 15th saw the beginning of detox using a 7 day plan called the GM diet. Day 1:  Fruit (no bananas) Day 2:  Veg and 1 small baked potato.  Day 3:  Fruit and Veg (no potato this time!)  Now day 4 was completely different.  Bananas and Skimmed Milk.  As I hate Skimmed Milk I blended to make some rather tasty shakes.   Also from Day 4 came the fat burning Cabbage Soup.  Rather tasty too I might add.  5th, 6th and 7th days saw more of the cabbage soup with the odd bit of chicken or beef permitted.  I must admit my day 7 I was ready to throw the cabbage soup at anyone that looked at me for more than a few seconds!

Results were good though.  6lbs lost!  For 1 week I was very impressed.  I do however believe I could have lost a little more had I complied with the water intake they were suggesting.  That is definitely my weak spot.  I need to drink a LOT more water!  I started this diet weighing a shocking 239 lbs!  Don't even discuss this with me.  I will probably hurt you!  But I ended it at 233 lbs!  Good start but long way to go yet! 

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